Positive PAWS

This year Elizabeth Ide is continuing its Positive PAWS (Positive Amazing Wonderful Students) program. Our students can earn pawprints for demonstrating the Pillars of Character (Trustworthiness, Responsibility, Respect, Fairness, Caring, Citizenship) anytime during the school day. The paws are brought down to the office and six lucky students are drawn each month to win a certificate and other "pawsitive" items. One student each month wins a Character Counts t-shirt. All of the paws are hung on the Positive PAWS bulletin board at the end of the month.

In my September monthly visits to the classrooms, I read books that taught lessons about good character. We discussed whether or not we would give the characters paws and why. Students did a wonderful job explaining how to be kids of character.
We've also begun a "Paws-itive Behavior" pledge that all of the students will say after The Pledge of Allegiance.
PAWS-itive Behavior
I Promise to:
Be responsible, respectful, caring, trustworthy, fair and a good citizen.
I will do my best at school and be a helpful classmate too!
Please reinforce these pawsitive messages at home so that together we can help our children reach their fullest potential in everything they do!