I can't believe today is the first day of February - where did January go? Tomorrow the Groundhog will let us know how long winter will last and our state primaries will be in full swing.
In January, we collected funds to help the survivors of the terrible earthquake in Haiti. Thanks to our students, parents and staff we were able to send $1,513.97 to the Food for the Poor organization. Thank you for your generosity and caring support.
This month I have been asked to help the Muscular Dystrophy Association by being taken to jail. Yes many of you may want to leave me there, but I need help being bailed out. I agreed to partake in this fundraiser due to the fact that this disease can affect anyone at anytime and does affect some of our district 66 families. If you would like to help set me free, please click on the link: https://www.joinmda.org/topaz10/jmhansen13February is a busy month at Elizabeth Ide - see the events listed below
Tuesday, February 2nd - No School - Teacher Institute
Saturday, February 6th - Market Day @ PV 9:30 - 10:30
Monday, February 1 - Monday, February 8th - Collect a Can Service Project
Monday, February 8th - 100th Day
Monday, February 8th - Friday, February 12th - IOWA Week
Tuesday, February 9th - Board Meeting @ PV 7:00
Friday, February 12th - Valentine Day Parties
Monday, February 15th - NO SCHOOL - President's Day
Tuesday, February 23rd - Board Meeting @ PV 7:00
Thursday, February 25th - Spring Picture Day
Saturday, February 27th - Snowflake Ball - 6:30 - 8:00