Two events have taken place this past month that really show the generosity of our district.

The district PTO held their annual On-Line auction which brought in a whopping $8,300.oo! This money supplements the technology we are able to bring our students. A big thank you goes out to Jill Hegarty and Cheryl Ferreri for gathering all of the fantastic auction items and running the auction with the help of our technology director Kathy Kucera.

The response to the Adopt-A-Rainforest coin donation was tremendous! While collecting the coins over a week period, WE RAISED $293.58!! The students, parents, and teachers at Elizabeth Ide really contributed to raising the awareness about the importance of rainforests. Our donation will be used for a conservation project in either Belize, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, or Nicaragua. I have asked the Rainforest Alliance to allocate our donation to the neediest project. Thank you for supporting our Character Counts program and Earth Day 2010!