Wednesday, January 23, 2008


There are a couple of changes that will be taking place.

First, our Iowa testing has been rescheduled due to a backorder of the first grade testing booklets. Instead of the week of February 11th, first and second grade testing will take place the week of March 3rd. Students who are absent during testing week will be able to take the test the following week.

Second, the district is implementing a new lunch ticket policy as of Monday, January 28th. Any student who forgets their lunch ticket will be sent down to the office for a ticket and an IOU slip for $2.25. A list of these students will be kept in the office. If a student has 3 outstanding lunch IOUs and comes down for a fourth he/she will not receive another ticket. We will call the student's parents and/or guardians and they will need to bring either money or a lunch to the office. If you have any questions about this policy please call the school.

Thank you and enjoy the rest of the week!

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