Friday, February 29th - Leap Day

The year 2008 is a leap year. If you look at a 2008 calendar, you will see that February has five Fridays–the month begins and ends on a Friday. Between the years 1904 and 2096, leap years that share the same day of week for each date repeat only every 28 years. The most recent year in which February comprised five Fridays was in 1980, and the next occurrence will be in 2036. February 29, the leap day, has been associated with age-old traditions, superstitions and folklore.
What is a leap year?
A leap year is a year in which one extra day has been inserted at the end of February. A leap year consists of 366 days, whereas other years, called common years, have 365 days.
Why are leap years needed?
Leap years are needed to keep our calendar in alignment with the earth's revolutions around the sun.
What is Elizabeth Ide doing to celebrate?
Tomorrow February 29th we will be wearing GREEN to celebrate Leap Day. Why? Well frogs leap and they are GREEN. I will be reading The Frog Principal to all of the classes in honor of this special day!!!! Make sure to ask your students about the fun activities they've done when they get home!

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