Although the weather hasn't proved it, Spring Break has arrived!!! I hope you are all taking some time to have fun and relax.

This morning there was an incident on one of our buses that caused an injury to a student which required a trip to the hospital and some stitches. The injury was caused by a number of students not following the district bus safety rules and not listening to the bus driver. Please reiterate bus safety to your children by reviewing the rules listed below.
Students must sit in their assigned seat at all times.
Students will remain seated at all times.
Students may not change seats once they board the bus.
Students will obey the bus driver at all times.
Students will keep all limbs and head inside the bus.
Students may talk to those around them but may not shout, scream or sing on the bus.
Students will be courteous and respectful to other students on the bus.
Students may not engage in conduct that interferes with the safe operation of the bus.
No food or drink on the bus.
Mrs. Tran and Isabella and Mrs. Olsen and Evalina came by to say hi to everybody. Everyone was all smiles and had a great time.