Later this year, Elizabeth Ide will be implementing an approach to discipline called Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS). PBIS is a proactive systems approach to establishing the behavioral supports and social culture needed for all students in a school to achieve social, emotional, and academic success.
As a Response to Intervention model, PBIS applies a three-tiered system of support, and a problem-solving process to enhance the capacity of schools to effectively educate all students.
Data-based decision-making aligns curricular instruction and behavioral supports to student and staff needs. Schools applying PBIS begin by establishing clear expectations for behavior that are taught, modeled, and reinforced across all settings and by all staff.

While we are being trained to implement this program, we will continue our Positive PAWS (Positive Amazing Wonderful Students) Program. Our students can earn pawprints for demonstrating the Pillars of Character (Trustworthiness, Responsibility, Respect, Fairness, Caring, Citizenship) anytime during the school day. The paws are brought down to the office and six lucky students are drawn each month to win a certificate and other "pawsitive" items. One student each month wins a Character Counts t-shirt or poster. All of the paws are hung on the Positive PAWS bulletin board at the end of the month.
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