Friday, December 10, 2010


Oh No! That crazy time of year is back again - this is all I hear people saying. Oh yes, the complaints about the cold weather have begun too! First and foremost, we live in Chicago, it is going to get cold in the winter - so let's think of the nice things that accompany cold weather.

1) There is no humidity!!!!! (Remember - It's not the heat, it's the humidity)

2) The snow makes everything look frosted. (Who doesn't like frosting?)

3) Sleds and ice skates are being used instead of just sitting in a closet and kids are smiling!!!

Yes this time is busy but think of the good things the holiday season brings.

1) Yummy treats we only get once a year (mmmmm those Cookie Calories).

2) Kids smiling in wonder at Santa.

3) People helping others in need and showing their caring ways.

Remember to always look for the positive in things; by doing this now the weather and the season will just seem better!! I hope you all take some time to relax, enjoy your families and have a wonderful holiday.

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