September 11, 2011

Sunday will be the 10th anniversary of the 09/11 attacks on New York and Washington. It's hard to believe 10 years have gone by since that frightening day. This is a good time to reflect on the good things we have in our lives and remember those we have lost.
I will never forget being at school that day and worrying about what was going to happen next and how I would keep my students safe if something happened here. I couldn't wait to get home when the day was done and just be with my family, at that time Gary and the dogs. We watched and cried as we saw the days events unfold over and over again. I couldn't imagine how the people who lost their loved ones felt and was overcome with an immense feeling of sorrow and loss of security.
Then one day Mrs. Olsen and I had recess duty and we saw a plane fly overhead. Seeing that simple object somehow brought us hope. We knew that normalcy would return to our world and we would be able to go on. It is that kind of hope that we have to hang unto during difficult times. As we struggle through a trying economy, loss of loved ones and life's curve balls hang on to hope - turn to the people who love and care about you. And be grateful everyday for the positive people and things in your lives.
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