Thursday, December 8, 2011


Once Upon a Time.....

We've all heard these words growing up and have dreams based upon them. I have learned this year that dreams do come true, but we never know how long they are going to last.

Yesterday I put my horse up for sale. Dream in Black and White (McDreamy) was my lifelong dream and the two and a half years I've owned him have been wonderful. Unfortunately this dream has come to an end. I will always be grateful for having this experience and knowing what it's like to fulfill a dream.

Life is a ride - not always fun - but always eventful. Enjoy each dream you achieve to the fullest and treasure it while you have it. This holiday season although I don't feel as Christmasy as usual, I am trying to focus on the dreams of the people around me - Marc, friends and family. I hope you all do the same and are able to fulfill as many of your dreams as possible.

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