Wednesday, March 21, 2012


This is a saying that we have heard numerous times and it is definitely true. You need patience to survive the daily grind, as well as getting through the difficult times. It is something that is very hard to teach, but we can model it for our children and students to help them gain this skill.

With Marc's adoption taking longer than expected (now we are looking at a late May/early June date) I have learned the importance of patience. With Gary's estate account still in a mess I have learned the importance of patience. Next week your children will be off for spring break, you will learn the importance of patience. This will be a good time to practice and model patience. Count to 10, walk away (not too far) or take a deep breath when things become tough. If you do lose your cool, shake it off and move on. Don't beat yourself up for it; learn from it. Each experience you learn from makes you a better person.

I hope you all have the wonderful and relaxing spring break you deserve.

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