Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Sometimes when we ask our students what they did at school today we get the standard answer "nothing." Well that's just not true.

Our first graders visited the Robert Crown Center for a field trip today. They learned facts about their bodies and how to stay healthy. They had an entertaining and educational experience today. Make sure to ask about it!!

Tomorrow the Lakeview Character Counts club will be visiting our classrooms. Kindergarten and first grade will learn many fun songs and dances about good Character, while second grade will work on posters for our winter service project. Make sure to ask about it!!

Friday our magazine drive winners will be going out to Home Run Inn with the principal, that's me, and enjoying a delicious lunch! Also, Friday is our reading incentive day. As we are reading our way across the Pacific we have run into pirates - so naturally Friday is Pirate Day! Last, but not least, Friday is also Ide Movie Night at Prairieview. What a busy day!

So when your students answer that they did "nothing" at school. Make sure to ask again!!!

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