Tuesday, May 29, 2012


This Memorial Day weekend I had a lot to think about.  Besides being grateful to all of our Veterans and current military who keep us safe and free everyday at the risk of their own lives, it was the one year anniversary of losing Gary.  I can't believe a year has gone by; I can't believe all that has happened this year.
Marc's brain surgery, my 5th year as principal, the selling of my horse Dreamy, the finalization of Marc's adoption - an emotional roller coaster ride for sure.  I have learned that with the love and support of friends and family anything is possible.  I have learned to enjoy every moment and to tell those you love how you feel everyday.

This year 6 Ide staff members are retiring; Mrs. Amish, Mrs. Bouton, Mrs. Cornfield, Mrs. Kreps, Mrs. Mazurowski and Mrs. Sis.  Each of these women brought something special to Elizabeth Ide and they will be truly missed. I thank them for their devotion and dedication to our students and to the teaching profession.  I thank them for their friendship and support and I wish them nothing but happiness and enjoyment in the "stress - free" years ahead.

Also, retiring this year is Dr. Jay Tiede, our superintendent.  I don't even know where to begin with this one.  Dr. Tiede was principal at Elizabeth Ide when I was hired as a fourth grade assistant.  I loved my job and was thrilled to be given the opportunity.  When a fifth grade teaching position opened, Dr. Tiede hired me on as a teacher.  It is because of his support and his faith in me, that I am in the Elizabeth Ide principal position today.  I will always be grateful to him for this and have enjoyed working for him these past fourteen years.  His devotion and dedication to Center Cass District 66 will be sorely missed.  I wish him many, many years of happiness with friends and family.  He truly deserves it!

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